Earth Science Week 2015: Visualizing Earth Systems (Oct. 11-17)

This gallery was created for Earth Science Week 2015 and beyond, and includes a quick start guide for educators and first-hand stories (blogs) for learners of all ages by NASA visualizers, scientists and educators. It's our hope that your understanding and use of NASA's visualizations will only increase as your appreciation grows for the beauty of the science they portray, and the communicative power they hold.

ESW is an initiative of the American Geosciences Institute (AGI). NASA is a partner in ESW, collaborating with AGI's Center for Science and Society and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES).

Content Contact:


  • Quick Start Guide for Educators
    Educational Resource (2015)
    View hand-picked visualizations that are ideal for introducing students to complex Earth science topics and designed to encourage student questioning and conversation. Links are provided to related learning resources for elementary, middle and high school.

Education Resources