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Animation Identification Numbers 3700 through 3799

Movie ID Title
This movie presents a frame for each Swift-detected gamma-ray burst.   3702   Swift Detects its 500th Gamma Ray Burst
This close-up view matches HMI resolution to the 1280x720 frame.   3703   SDO/HMI Continuum Sunspot Closeup - March 29, 2010
For this movie the final camera view matches the resolution of the HMI imager to the 1280x720 frame.   3704   SDO/HMI Continuum Sunspot Zoom-in - March 29, 2010
This close-up view matches HMI resolution to the 1280x720 frame.   3705   SDO/HMI Magnetogram Sunspot Close-Up - March 29, 2010
For this movie the final camera view matches the resolution of the HMI imager to the 1280x720 frame.   3706   SDO/HMI Magnetogram Sunspot Zoom-In - March 29, 2010
This animation shows seasonal change in vegetation around the globe as measured by the NDVI value.   3707   Five Spheres - Land Changes through NDVI
This movie of the tropospheric column ozone uses  the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) derived stratospheric column ozone and the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)  measurements from July 2007 through October 31, 2009.   3708   Five Spheres - Tropospheric Ozone
This animation shows the dynamic biosphere from  October 2001 through October 2006 as observed by the SeaWiFS  instrument on the OrbView2 satellite.   3709   Five Spheres - Biosphere
In this animation, the Arctic sea ice and seasonal land cover change progress through time, from October 1, 2004  through October 31 2009.    3710   Five Spheres - Cryosphere
This animation shows the dynamic global sea surface winds from Jan 1, 2006 through Feb 7, 2006 as observed by the SeaWinds Scatterometer instrument on the QuikSCAT satellite.   3711   Five Spheres - Water
A full disk view of the Sun on April 7, 2010.    3712   SDO/HMI Continuum Full Disk View - April 7, 2010
This full-disk view of the surface magnetic fields reveals far more details and structure.   3713   SDO/HMI Magnetogram Full Disk View - April 7, 2010
This movie is a dopplergram of the sunspot group of March 29, 2010 taken with HMI.   3714   SDO/HMI Dopplergram Sunspot Close-Up - March 29, 2010
A closeup view of the filament as it expands into space.   3715   SDO/AIA Close-up on Launching Filament (band 304)
A full disk view of the solar filament launch.   3716   SDO/AIA Full-Disk View of Launching Filament (Band 304)
This movie loops several times as it pulls out from the close-up view.   3717   SDO/AIA Zoom-out of Launching Filament (Band 304)
Drought, Summer 1988   3719   MERRA Specific Humidity
This animation shows the change in annual melt over Greenland from 1979 through 2009 with a date overlay.   3720   Annual Gradient Melt over Greenland 1979 Through 2009
This animation shows the change in annual melt over Greenland from 1979 through 2009 with a date overlay.   3721   Annual Accumulated Melt over Greenland
1979 through 2009
The large animation above is diced-up into smaller pieces that can be played on the hyperwall.  Each piece is named according to a standard spreadsheet convention with a1 at the upper left and e3 at the lower right.  This image illustrates this naming convention used in the diced-up frame sets below.   3722   NCCS Hyperwall Show: Push in with GEOS-5 Modeled Clouds at 3.5-km Global Resolution and 10 Minute Interval
Full image of GEOS-5 Modeled Clouds   3723   NCCS Hyperwall Show: GEOS-5 Modeled Clouds at 5-km Resolution (Flat Map)
GEOS-5 modeled clouds at 1/4 degree resolution   3724   NCCS Hyperwall Show: GEOS-5 Modeled Clouds at One Quarter Degree (28-km) Resolution (Flat Map)
The large animation above is diced-up into smaller pieces that can be played on the hyperwall. Each piece is named according to a standard spreadsheet convention with a1 at the upper left and e3 at the lower right. This image illustrates this naming convention used in the diced-up frame sets below.   3725   NCCS Hyperwall Show: Earth Observing Fleet with GEOS-5 Clouds
Fully composited version of MERRA timeline (all 5 tiles together)   3726   NCCS Hyperwall Show: MERRA Timeline
Moon false color topography flyover.   3727   LOLA Lunar Topography in False Color
An animation highlighting major features of the surface of Venus.   3728   Magellan: Venus False-Color Terrain
This cross image of the slow-moving Darwin Glacier in  the foreground and the faster-moving Byrd Glacier in the background as both glaciers approach the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. A 2x vertical exaggeration has been applied to the topography.   3729   Byrd Glacier
Globes showing lunar elevation data from 2005 (ULCN) and 2010 (LOLA) rotate side-by-side for comparison.   3730   Lunar Topography: ULCN versus LOLA
Moon natural color topography flyover.   3731   LOLA: Lunar Topography in Natural Color
Drought, Summer 1988   3732   MERRA Relative Humidity
Drought, Summer 1988   3733   MERRA Wind
Drought, Summer 1988   3734   MERRA Combined Liquid Water and Ice Mixing Ratios
Drought, Summer 1988   3735   MERRA Rate of Total Precipitation, 1988, 1993
3D stereographic anaglyph artist concept of the Aura satellite collecting data over earth.  (Red/Cyan glasses are required to view it properly.)   3736   Aura/OMI 3D Stereoscopic Viewfinder Image
A global view of tropospheric column ozone from Jan 1, 2005 through Dec 31, 2005.   3737   Tropospheric Column Ozone
This animation shows the correspondence between the MODIS melt and the QuikSCAT melt over Greenland during 2007.   3738   2007 Greenland Melt Season Study
This is the full movie of the CME striking the Earth.   3739   Space Weather Event: Incoming View
This is the full movie of the CME striking the Earth.   3740   Space Weather Event: The View from L1
This is the full movie of the CME striking the Earth.   3741   Space Weather Event: The View from Above
This is the full movie of the CME striking the Earth.   3742   Space Weather Event: A View from the Orbit Plane
This is the full movie of the CME striking the Earth.   3743   Space Weather Event: Close-up on the Earth Environment
Tropical depression ALEX was near the western coast of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula when again seen by the TRMM satellite on 27 June 2010 at 2214 UTC (6:14 PM EDT).   3744   Tropical Depression ALEX hits Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula
3D stereographic anaglyph of Hurricane Katrina using TRMM and GOES data.  (Red/Cyan glasses are required to view this image properly.)   3745   Hurricane Katrina 3D Stereoscopic Viewfinder Image
The TRMM satellite observed this view of Hurricane Alex on June 30, 2010 at 2102 UTC (5:02PM) just before it made landfall in Soto La Marina, Mexico.   3746   Hurricane Alex Makes Landfall in Northeastern Mexico
This movie plays the terrestrial gamma flashes with a daily lighting map (blue glow) as background.   3747   Terrestrial Gamma Flashes (TGFs) from Fermi with Static Earth
This movie plays the terrestrial gamma flashes with a daily lighting map (blue glow) and seasonally-varying Earth as background.   3748   Terrestrial Gamma Flashes (TGFs) from Fermi with Seasonal Earth
In the lap of Mt. Erebus, base camp for scientists become a village of tents, gear and marking flags.   3751   Draining Glacier Draws Scientists to Floating Ice
Even with intensely urbanized areas stretching millions of square miles, The Americas show strong bioproductivity, with wide areas of green.   3752   Life's Signature Colors, Captured by Satellite
In the last thirty years total quantities of Arctic ice dramatically shrank.   3753   Shrinking Sea Ice Highlights Changing Climate
Precipitation leads to run-off, flowing down to rivers, lakes, and oceans; evaporation and transpiration send water back into the sky.   3754   Endless Loop: Earth's Water Cycle
This movie is a synchronized view of SOHO/EIT and Hinode/XRT.   3755   December 2006 Flare from SOHO/EIT and Hinode/XRT
This movie illustrates the daily variation of lightning probability world-wide.   3756   Animated Daily Lightning Map
Hurricane Danielle scene through the eyes of AQUA/MODIS on August 26, 2010.   3757   Hurricane Danielle Churns in the Atlantic on August 26, 2010
The LOLA sensor footprint travels over the central peak and across the floor of Amundsen crater.   3758   LOLA Footprints
TRMM observes a 16 km convective tower, shown in red, at the center of Hurricane Danielle on August 27, 2010.   3759   Hurricane Danielle's Hot Towers
LEND and Diviner data are painted onto the lunar surface as LCROSS hits the moon and LRO flies past the impact site. This version includes a date and time overlay.   3760   LRO Supports LCROSS
NASA's Terra satellite sees this view of Hurricane Earl on August 31, 2010.   3761   Hurricane Earl Develops Stirs up the Atlantic on August 31, 2010
A view of several extreme storms in the Atlantic.  Hurricane Earl is in the foreground, followed by Tropical Storm Fiona, and Tropical Depression Gaston.   3762   Extreme Storm Train on September 1, 2010
Earth observing fleet with spacecraft exceeding their designed lifetimes in gray and the single mission (Jason-2) that is still within its designed lifetime in orange   3763   NASA's Orbiting Earth Observing Fleet (NASM 2010)
The gross primary productivity of the world's land areas for the period 2000-2009 as calculated from Terra's MODIS instrument.  The original 8-day average GPP data has been smoothed to a 24-day average to make the animation less noisy.   This  product is available through our Web Map Service .   3764   How Much Carbon do Plants Take from the Atmosphere?
The change from normal of the annual net primary productivity of southern Africa's land areas for the period 2000-2009 as calculated from Terra's MODIS instrument.  This animation shows the full resolution of the 1-km dataset.  This version adds a date and colorbar to the animation.   3765   How has the Atmospheric Carbon Uptake from Plants Changed in the Last Decade?
This set provides stereoscopic (Left and Right Eye Combined on the same frame) content of the 2007 Greenland Melt Season Study composited with the background and overlay.   3766   2007 Greenland Melt Season Study - Stereoscopic Version
Arctic sea ice minimum extent for 2010   3767   Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Extent for 2010
Combined IBEX skymap for 2.73 keV neutral atom energy band.  This is composited with the labelled background starfield.   3769   IBEX Skymaps and the Bright Stars
The movie pans from the direction of the heliospheric 'nose' to the location of the 'knot'.   3770   IBEX Observes Changes in Heliopause Emission
How cloud super-engines shift hurricanes into overdrive.   3773   Towers In The Tempest
This set contains stereoscopic visualization with separate frame sets for left eye and right eye. The TRMM satellite observes a 16 km convective tower, shown in red, at the center of Hurricane Danielle on August 27, 2010.   3779   Hurricane Danielle's Hot Towers August 27,2010 Stereoscopic Version
Raw frames for use on Science On a Sphere.   3780   2009 El Niño & 2010 La Niña (Science On a Sphere Version)
This set provides movies and frames of the Weather Satellites in Orbit visualization.   3781   Weather Satellites in Orbit
Twelve of the high priority flight plans from the 2010 Antarctic campaign are displayed.   3782   Operation IceBridge Flight Paths - Antarctica Fall 2010 Campaign
This set provides stereoscopic visualization content (Left and Right Eye separate) of the composite animation including the foreground, star background and date overlay.   3783   Iceland's Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Ash Plume May 6-8, 2010 - Stereoscopic Version
Example anaglyph visualization of the 2009 El Nino and 2010 La Nina events.  This animation was created in post using the below raw elements, and can be viewed using red/cyan glasses.   3784   2009 El Niño & 2010 La Niña (3D-Stereoscopic Version)
The LAMP sensor slit scans the lunar horizon, lighting up as it encounters the vapor cloud created by the LCROSS impact. This version includes a date/time overlay.   3785   LAMP Observes the LCROSS Impact
ARTEMIS-2 is now orbiting L1, with ARTEMIS-1 orbiting L2.   3786   ARTEMIS at Lagrange: The View from Above
ARTEMIS-1 transitions from L1 to L2, with the Sun in the distance.   3787   ARTEMIS at Lagrange
Print resolution Landsat data of Beijing in 2010.   3791   Urban Sprawl in Beijing, China
Their names are a mouthful, but the global perspective satellites provide has revolutionized our view of the Earth.   3792   None
Like experts in so many fields, NASA climate scientists use numerical models, powered by supercomputers, to gain a better understanding of Earth's behavior.   3793   None
Closeup color view for active region.  This movie has no offset between left and right eye to make it more suitable for larger displays such as large-screen displays or video projection.   3794   STEREO in Stereo: April 8, 2007
September 14, 2004 Hurricane Ivan threatens the Gulf Coast of the United States.   3797   NASA Builds Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)
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