Earth from Space:
New Windows on a Changing Planet
National Air and Space Museum Langley IMAX® Theater
Thursday, September 14, 2000, 8 p.m.
The United
States and other space faring nations recently have begun launching an
unprecedented fleet of advanced satellites designed to study Earth's land,
air, oceans, ice and life using the latest space technology. When combined
with powerful new computer software tools, the data from these orbital
observers promises to give us valuable new scientific knowledge about
how these pieces of the environment fit together into an incredibly complex,
interlocking system.
At 8:00 p.m.
on Thursday, September 14, 2000, leading NASA scientists and other special
guests gathered at the National Air and Space Museums Langley Theater
to discuss the latest discoveries about our changing planet and to see
spectacular color images and fascinating animations from recent satellite
observations, plus realistic computer models of violent events like hurricanes
and thunderstorms.
After introductory
remarks by NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin, Congressman James T. Walsh,
and NASA Associate Administrator for Earth Science Ghassem R. Asrar, three
scientists from NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center presented the
latest satellite observations and computer simulations of the land, atmosphere,
and oceans.
to these presentations, Jean-Michel Cousteau gave personal observations
on the study of the Earth from his life and career. The evenings
activities concluded with a question and answer session with the speakers.