NASA Interview Opportunity: Celebrate our Dynamic Planet with a NASA Expert this Earth Day

  • Released Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Click here for quick link to cut B-ROLL for interviewsScroll down promo videos for John Bolten and Lesley OttClick here for quick link to canned interview with Lesley Ott

Click here for quick link to cut B-ROLL for interviews

Scroll down promo videos for John Bolten and Lesley Ott

Click here for quick link to canned interview with Lesley Ott

This Earth Day Join a NASA Expert to Celebrate Our Home Planet

Earth is beautiful, dynamic, and constantly changing. In recent years, the United States has seen record-breaking weather events - shocking snowfalls, parching droughts, extreme heat waves, extended wildfire seasons, and more. NASA’s fleet of more than 25 Earth-observing satellites help the agency understand Earth by continuously monitoring critical issues such as climate change, wildfires, and air quality. NASA protects and defends our planet by placing this data in the hands of communities. We at NASA are excited to celebrate this Earth Day with you.

Live interviews are available Friday, April 21 from 6:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. EST
Click here to request an interview:
Requests sent via the above form will have scheduling priority. Please do not email requests.
Additional resources will be made available at this site:

Suggested Anchor Intro:
When you think of NASA, you may think of mighty rockets, rovers and astronauts. What you may not realize is that NASA is the home to the largest group of Earth scientists in the world. With more than 25 satellites in orbit, NASA tracks critical changes all over the globe, from air quality to extreme weather patterns. Here to celebrate our home planet this Earth Day is NASA expert XX.

Suggested Questions:
1. This year marks the 53rd celebration of Earth Day. Can you share some of what we’re learning about our planet?
2. Recently, we’ve seen some pretty extraordinary weather like the extreme snowfall in California. How are these bizarre weather patterns informing our thinking about climate change?
3. How does climate change impact
Please select the question that you believe will hold the most interest for your viewers.]
* Wildfires?
* Sea level rise?
* Floods and droughts?
* General weather trends that impact viewers all over the country?
4. NASA doesn’t just observe these changes. How is that data used to help communities cope with these challenges?
5. Where can our viewers go to learn more about Earth and how to celebrate it?

Extended Questions:
There are quite a lot of satellites and instruments that NASA uses to observe Earth. Can you share about new satellite launches?
Climate change news can be quite scary. What is NASA doing to help all of us continue and thrive here on our home planet?

Do you have feedback for the Live Shot Program or want to be removed from our contact list? We would love to hear from you HERE!

Cut b-roll for the live shots. TRT 5:31. Clips are separated by a slate with associated question. No audio on clips.

Canned interview with Lesley Ott / NASA Climate scientist. TRT: 6:13. SOTS are separated by slates with the question


Please give credit for this item to:
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Release date

This page was originally published on Wednesday, April 12, 2023.
This page was last updated on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 11:43 AM EDT.