1 00:00:01,735 --> 00:00:04,037 Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun 2 00:00:04,037 --> 00:00:07,807 and the third-largest planet in the solar system. 3 00:00:07,807 --> 00:00:10,927 It also may have the coldest interior, emitting far 4 00:00:10,927 --> 00:00:15,498 less heat than its counterparts Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. 5 00:00:15,498 --> 00:00:19,002 It is known as an “ice giant” because it contains more ices, 6 00:00:19,002 --> 00:00:24,140 including water, methane, and ammonia than Jupiter or Saturn. 7 00:00:24,140 --> 00:00:27,293 And while NASA's learned a great deal about this planet over the last 8 00:00:27,293 --> 00:00:31,998 three decades, there's a lot more waiting to be discovered. 9 00:00:31,998 --> 00:00:33,700 Back in 1986, 10 00:00:33,700 --> 00:00:37,170 NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft flew by Uranus, 11 00:00:37,170 --> 00:00:40,774 making it the first and only spacecraft to visit this distant planet. 12 00:00:42,559 --> 00:00:46,496 Previous observations showed that Uranus has a unique tilt of its axis, 13 00:00:46,496 --> 00:00:51,067 so it rotates almost on its side, causing its poles to actually face the Sun. 14 00:00:51,067 --> 00:00:53,953 No other planet in our solar system has this feature. 15 00:00:55,238 --> 00:00:58,208 In its quick sprint past Uranus, Voyager discovered 16 00:00:58,208 --> 00:01:01,594 ten new moons orbiting the planet that had not been seen before. 17 00:01:01,594 --> 00:01:05,198 And in the decades since, even more have been found. 18 00:01:05,198 --> 00:01:08,501 During its encounter, Voyager also saw new faint rings 19 00:01:08,501 --> 00:01:11,504 and explored the complex magnetosphere. 20 00:01:12,972 --> 00:01:16,593 Voyager only briefly viewed the planet's five major moons: 21 00:01:16,593 --> 00:01:21,531 Ariel, Miranda, Titania, Oberon and Umbriel. 22 00:01:21,531 --> 00:01:25,335 These moons have a wide variety of terrains and geological features, 23 00:01:25,335 --> 00:01:28,338 some of which indicate possible subsurface oceans. 24 00:01:29,139 --> 00:01:32,425 Small Miranda has chaotic terrain, with deep canyons 25 00:01:32,425 --> 00:01:36,396 and tall mountains, but is likely now frozen solid. 26 00:01:36,396 --> 00:01:40,567 Ariel appears to have the youngest surface with few impact craters. 27 00:01:40,567 --> 00:01:42,802 While Titania has a very old surface, 28 00:01:42,802 --> 00:01:46,172 the lack of large craters and presence of a large canyon system 29 00:01:46,172 --> 00:01:48,925 may indicate ancient resurfacing. 30 00:01:48,925 --> 00:01:52,495 Oberon is also covered with craters and has valleys and large mountains. 31 00:01:53,696 --> 00:01:56,833 Umbriel’s surface is the darkest of the Uranian moons 32 00:01:56,833 --> 00:01:59,536 and it sports a strange polar ring. 33 00:01:59,536 --> 00:02:02,105 The origin of this ring is still a mystery, 34 00:02:02,105 --> 00:02:05,458 but scientists believe that it may have been formed by an icy impact. 35 00:02:07,627 --> 00:02:10,163 Since Voyager, ground based telescopes 36 00:02:10,163 --> 00:02:11,698 and the Hubble Space Telescope 37 00:02:11,698 --> 00:02:15,401 have played the leading role in our understanding of Uranus. 38 00:02:15,401 --> 00:02:19,906 Since 1992, Hubble has watched the slowly changing Uranian seasons, 39 00:02:19,906 --> 00:02:25,094 including changes in its unusual pale blue color and polar hazes. 40 00:02:25,094 --> 00:02:28,865 Telescopes have also revealed that Uranus has a complex weather system 41 00:02:28,865 --> 00:02:32,535 with massive storms that can last for months or even years, 42 00:02:32,535 --> 00:02:35,538 with wind speeds over 500 miles per hour. 43 00:02:37,874 --> 00:02:40,860 The ongoing search for ocean worlds and life beyond Earth 44 00:02:40,860 --> 00:02:44,898 makes Uranus an exciting target for the James Webb Space Telescope 45 00:02:44,898 --> 00:02:46,966 and for future up close exploration. 46 00:02:48,234 --> 00:02:50,937 New data will help scientists to understand the formation 47 00:02:50,937 --> 00:02:55,258 and evolution of Uranus, as well as its moons and rings, and provide clues 48 00:02:55,258 --> 00:02:58,561 as to whether liquid water may reside beneath their icy crusts. 49 00:03:00,563 --> 00:03:02,765 The fascinating properties of this planet, 50 00:03:02,765 --> 00:03:05,435 discovered in just the span of a few decades, 51 00:03:05,435 --> 00:03:07,403 reveal that unlocking mysteries here 52 00:03:07,403 --> 00:03:11,341 can help scientists learn, even more about our solar system, and our place in it.