WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.080 The Hubble Space Telescope is  many things. It’s an observatory,   2 00:00:05.080 --> 00:00:10.480 a satellite, and an icon of cultural  and scientific significance – but   3 00:00:10.480 --> 00:00:16.040 you might be surprised to find out  that Hubble is also a time machine! 4 00:00:16.040 --> 00:00:18.720 No, no, no, not like that! 5 00:00:18.720 --> 00:00:24.440 With Hubble’s position just above Earth’s murky  atmosphere, its clear view literally lets us   6 00:00:24.440 --> 00:00:31.040 witness our universe’s past. It allows us to  travel back in time and see things as they were… 7 00:00:31.040 --> 00:00:33.400 1.3 seconds ago… 8 00:00:33.400 --> 00:00:35.760 33 minutes ago… 9 00:00:35.760 --> 00:00:37.560 An hour ago… 10 00:00:37.560 --> 00:00:40.400 Or even a little bit older than that! 11 00:00:40.400 --> 00:00:45.400 But how does that work? After all, Hubble  doesn’t travel beyond our solar system,   12 00:00:45.400 --> 00:00:50.480 or even our home planet’s gravity.  So how can it “see” the past? 13 00:00:50.480 --> 00:00:57.200 The answer is light. The term “light-year”  shows up a lot in astronomy. This is a measure   14 00:00:57.200 --> 00:01:02.160 of distance that means exactly what it  says – the distance that light travels   15 00:01:02.160 --> 00:01:08.160 in one year. Given that the speed of  light is 186,000 miles per second,   16 00:01:08.160 --> 00:01:16.840 light can cover some serious ground over the  course of 365 days: almost 6 trillion miles worth! 17 00:01:16.840 --> 00:01:22.440 Hubble works by gathering light from objects  in our universe – some as close as our Moon   18 00:01:22.440 --> 00:01:27.880 or comets coming into the inner solar system,  and some as distant as galaxy clusters that   19 00:01:27.880 --> 00:01:33.360 are billions of light-years away. All that  light takes time to reach the telescope,   20 00:01:33.360 --> 00:01:38.040 just as it takes time for light to  travel from its source to our eyes. 21 00:01:38.040 --> 00:01:44.400 For example, our Sun is located about 93  million miles from Earth. That means that   22 00:01:44.400 --> 00:01:48.440 it takes roughly eight minutes for its  light to reach us here on our planet,   23 00:01:48.440 --> 00:01:55.280 so when we look at the Sun we see it  exactly as it was eight minutes in the past. 24 00:01:55.280 --> 00:02:00.360 Cosmically speaking, the 93 million miles  between us and the Sun are nothing. We   25 00:02:00.360 --> 00:02:04.680 orbit around just one of billions  of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy,   26 00:02:04.680 --> 00:02:09.760 which is one of countless trillions of  galaxies in the universe. With that in mind,   27 00:02:09.760 --> 00:02:15.240 time travel gets more intense when Hubble  observes objects beyond our star system. 28 00:02:15.240 --> 00:02:20.560 Think about what you were doing four years ago  today. What type of sandwich you were eating,   29 00:02:20.560 --> 00:02:26.640 what song you were listening to, what work or  school assignment you had, or the car you drove.  30 00:02:26.640 --> 00:02:32.360 Keep those images in your head as you now think  about the next closest star to us named Proxima   31 00:02:32.360 --> 00:02:39.600 Centauri. It’s about four light-years away, which  makes it a close neighbor on a universal scale. 32 00:02:39.600 --> 00:02:44.600 So right when you ate that ham, tuna, and peanut  butter sandwich four years ago, the light from   33 00:02:44.600 --> 00:02:50.640 Proxima Centauri just left the surface of that  star and began zooming out towards us. And here   34 00:02:50.640 --> 00:02:57.720 we are, four years and many, many sandwiches  later, and that light has finally arrived. 35 00:02:57.720 --> 00:03:02.760 Now, think about what you were up to 700  years ago. Or… at least imagine what your   36 00:03:02.760 --> 00:03:06.760 great great great great great great… add 30  or so more “greats” and you’ll get the point,   37 00:03:06.760 --> 00:03:10.240 great great Grandparents were doing in the 1300s. 38 00:03:10.240 --> 00:03:16.240 If they were in Europe they might have been a  brave knight fighting for their king and country. (Or money.) 39 00:03:16.240 --> 00:03:17.840 If they were in Japan they might have   40 00:03:17.840 --> 00:03:22.680 been an early samurai helping to  overthrow the Kamakura shogunate. 41 00:03:22.680 --> 00:03:26.840 If they lived in Africa, they might have  been collecting gold from Mansa Musa,   42 00:03:26.840 --> 00:03:33.080 or maybe your ancestor even WAS Mansa Musa,  arguably the richest human of all time. 43 00:03:33.080 --> 00:03:38.160 During all of those events, the light from  the giant star Betelgeuse left its surface.   44 00:03:38.160 --> 00:03:44.720 And all that time from the 1300s up until  today that light was traveling at 186,000   45 00:03:44.720 --> 00:03:49.600 miles per second towards us. This means  that when Hubble looks at Betelgeuse,   46 00:03:49.600 --> 00:03:54.120 the star appears exactly as it was 700 years ago. 47 00:03:54.120 --> 00:03:58.240 Wanna go even further back in  time? Well our next stop is the   48 00:03:58.240 --> 00:04:05.280 Andromeda Galaxy! The Andromeda Galaxy is  a whopping 2.5 million light-years away,   49 00:04:05.280 --> 00:04:10.640 but that’s just the closest major  galaxy to us here in the Milky Way. 50 00:04:10.640 --> 00:04:15.640 Things were so much simpler back during the  Paleolithic period, weren’t they? Dinosaurs   51 00:04:15.640 --> 00:04:22.040 had only been extinct for 62.5 million years  as opposed to 65 million years ago. Sandwiches   52 00:04:22.040 --> 00:04:27.160 weren’t even invented yet, let alone peanut  butter for sandwiches, let alone sliced bread   53 00:04:27.160 --> 00:04:32.040 for peanut butter sandwiches on sliced bread,  and the very earliest humans were just figuring   54 00:04:32.040 --> 00:04:38.880 out how to be… human. Smartphone technology  was still quite a few years away though. 55 00:04:38.880 --> 00:04:43.720 Perhaps some of Hubble’s most legendary  observations are its deep field images,   56 00:04:43.720 --> 00:04:49.320 which collect light from thousands of galaxies  that are billions of light-years away. 57 00:04:49.320 --> 00:04:53.680 With this type of imagery, we can better  understand how our universe changes over   58 00:04:53.680 --> 00:05:00.400 time by puzzling out how galaxies evolve. The  farther back we look with Hubble, the closer we   59 00:05:00.400 --> 00:05:07.080 get to the big bang, when the universe began –  so the most distant galaxies observed by Hubble   60 00:05:07.080 --> 00:05:13.680 often appear to us as the “youngest” ones – giving  us a sneak peek at the universe in its infancy. 61 00:05:13.680 --> 00:05:16.640 Because these galaxies emitted  their light when they were young,   62 00:05:16.640 --> 00:05:20.240 we get to witness them in their early stages. 63 00:05:20.240 --> 00:05:24.920 These young galaxies are actually old  galaxies now as they have evolved over   64 00:05:24.920 --> 00:05:30.960 the time this light has taken to reach us.  Hubble has observed galaxies as far back as   65 00:05:30.960 --> 00:05:39.120 13.4 billion years in the past! That’s just 400  million years away from the big bang itself! 66 00:05:39.120 --> 00:05:42.840 So hopefully you’ve enjoyed this time  traveling trip with the Hubble Space   67 00:05:42.840 --> 00:05:48.280 Telescope. But remember, you can time travel  all on your own without a fancy space telescope   68 00:05:48.280 --> 00:05:53.680 as well. The next time you’re outside at  night, remember to look up at the stars;   69 00:05:53.680 --> 00:05:58.640 you’re seeing those stars as they were  hundreds, if not thousands of years ago.   70 00:05:58.640 --> 00:06:04.160 Those photons of light have been traveling very  far and very fast over a very long period of   71 00:06:04.160 --> 00:06:19.960 time to reach your eyes at that one special  moment, so don’t blink or you’ll miss it!