WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:06.359 A normal day at work is very different day-to-day because you never know what's 2 00:00:06.359 --> 00:00:11.790 gonna happen it could be anything from planning an outreach event or you have 3 00:00:11.790 --> 00:00:15.809 meetings all day long where you're planning for an upcoming event things 4 00:00:15.809 --> 00:00:18.480 change all the time but we're always planning for the next event were always 5 00:00:18.480 --> 00:00:24.900 planning for the next activity. My name is Stephanie Clark and I am the outreach 6 00:00:24.900 --> 00:00:30.869 coordinator for the Hubble Space Telescope. I've always loved science I 7 00:00:30.869 --> 00:00:35.730 have a degree in kinesiology which is exercise science I've always loved earth 8 00:00:35.730 --> 00:00:40.770 science in particular biology and just how things work I've always found that 9 00:00:40.770 --> 00:00:45.329 really fascinating so I wanted to pursue a career in science and I've always 10 00:00:45.329 --> 00:00:49.620 loved working with people I wanted to work with children my whole life this 11 00:00:49.620 --> 00:00:53.579 job gives me the ability to do that and talk to kids about science and space and 12 00:00:53.579 --> 00:00:58.469 it's just really amazing when you you see that a kid learned something new you 13 00:00:58.469 --> 00:01:01.079 can kind of see it in their face their face cut lights up and they're kind 14 00:01:01.079 --> 00:01:06.880 that's really cool again this is really cool. 15 00:01:06.880 --> 00:01:11.289 My number-one responsibility is planning and coordinating outreach events coming 16 00:01:11.289 --> 00:01:16.360 up with new materials that are interesting for people to engage with 17 00:01:16.360 --> 00:01:20.890 when we're at these outreach events to giving teachers the tools that they need 18 00:01:20.890 --> 00:01:25.689 to spread along the word for us that's a part of it too is you know provide the 19 00:01:25.689 --> 00:01:34.640 materials that they can use to inspire creativity and inspire Wonder. 20 00:01:34.640 --> 00:01:40.800 My favorite image is a star cluster Westerlund 2 - I just think it's absolutely 21 00:01:40.800 --> 00:01:49.270 beautiful the colors and seeing all the stars it's just amazing. 22 00:01:49.270 --> 00:01:54.610 The thing about working on a project like Hubble is that it's the reason why 23 00:01:54.610 --> 00:02:00.340 you you know what you know about space. This is amazing this stuff is going to 24 00:02:00.340 --> 00:02:03.789 be in textbooks and stuff that Hubble is providing and this is gonna be impact 25 00:02:03.789 --> 00:02:07.539 on the world forever and then you kind of realize hey my kids are gonna be 26 00:02:07.539 --> 00:02:10.959 learning about this one day and I'm a part of it that's it's it's an amazing 27 00:02:10.959 --> 00:02:15.340 feeling but when you take a step back and you talk to other people and you you 28 00:02:15.340 --> 00:02:18.849 know you go to events and you talk to kids and you see how you know they want 29 00:02:18.849 --> 00:02:21.700 to be an astronaut or they want to be a scientist and they want to use Hubble 30 00:02:21.700 --> 00:02:25.420 for a certain thing that it's just amazing that's to me that's the that's 31 00:02:25.420 --> 00:02:27.930 the best part.