WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:03.919 my name is troubles hey my name's dakota 2 00:00:01.920 --> 00:00:04.400 tyler hi my name is tina beck my name is 3 00:00:03.919 --> 00:00:06.240 jillian 4 00:00:04.400 --> 00:00:08.000 my name is lindsey jacobson this summer 5 00:00:06.240 --> 00:00:10.160 i'm working virtually as an intern for 6 00:00:08.000 --> 00:00:13.040 nasa headquarters in washington dc 7 00:00:10.160 --> 00:00:15.040 this summer has been like no other with 8 00:00:13.040 --> 00:00:16.080 the kovid 19 virus spreading across the 9 00:00:15.040 --> 00:00:18.480 world 10 00:00:16.080 --> 00:00:20.320 most nasa employees work from home the 11 00:00:18.480 --> 00:00:21.920 same goes for interns 12 00:00:20.320 --> 00:00:23.760 interns usually get to work at one of 13 00:00:21.920 --> 00:00:26.480 the 10 center campuses 14 00:00:23.760 --> 00:00:27.760 but not this year luckily most work is 15 00:00:26.480 --> 00:00:29.760 digital these days 16 00:00:27.760 --> 00:00:32.160 interns are still contributing to nasa's 17 00:00:29.760 --> 00:00:35.120 james webb space telescope in wonderful 18 00:00:32.160 --> 00:00:37.040 and enriching ways so today i'm going to 19 00:00:35.120 --> 00:00:40.960 go ahead and give you a tour of 20 00:00:37.040 --> 00:00:40.960 nasa mary jackson headquarters 21 00:00:42.879 --> 00:00:46.480 okay so it's actually a guest bedroom 22 00:00:45.360 --> 00:00:48.879 but this summer 23 00:00:46.480 --> 00:00:50.960 for me it's nasa headquarters i'm 24 00:00:48.879 --> 00:00:54.960 focusing on star formation with 25 00:00:50.960 --> 00:00:56.879 jwst so of course i've got about 20 26 00:00:54.960 --> 00:00:58.719 articles open right now 27 00:00:56.879 --> 00:01:01.039 studying the forefront of science in 28 00:00:58.719 --> 00:01:02.559 star formation i'm focusing on the 29 00:01:01.039 --> 00:01:04.960 science goal called 30 00:01:02.559 --> 00:01:06.880 first light and reionization and the 31 00:01:04.960 --> 00:01:08.960 basics of what that means is 32 00:01:06.880 --> 00:01:10.880 when light reaches us from the beginning 33 00:01:08.960 --> 00:01:12.880 of the universe it's really old light 34 00:01:10.880 --> 00:01:14.560 and so it's really hard to see 35 00:01:12.880 --> 00:01:16.080 and what james webb can do is it can 36 00:01:14.560 --> 00:01:17.600 actually see that light a lot better 37 00:01:16.080 --> 00:01:19.680 than other telescopes that we've sent 38 00:01:17.600 --> 00:01:21.600 out in the past 39 00:01:19.680 --> 00:01:22.799 internships reflect the diverse types of 40 00:01:21.600 --> 00:01:24.479 jobs at nasa 41 00:01:22.799 --> 00:01:27.040 since it takes a tremendous amount of 42 00:01:24.479 --> 00:01:29.200 effort to get anything into space 43 00:01:27.040 --> 00:01:30.960 i'm focusing on the risks of the mission 44 00:01:29.200 --> 00:01:33.040 this means taking information from many 45 00:01:30.960 --> 00:01:34.320 places like spreadsheets databases and 46 00:01:33.040 --> 00:01:35.840 technical reports 47 00:01:34.320 --> 00:01:37.600 picking the important information out 48 00:01:35.840 --> 00:01:39.200 and condensing it into one place 49 00:01:37.600 --> 00:01:41.119 where anyone can go and interact the 50 00:01:39.200 --> 00:01:42.240 risk's life from conception to 51 00:01:41.119 --> 00:01:44.159 mitigation 52 00:01:42.240 --> 00:01:46.079 for my project i'm tracking the logic 53 00:01:44.159 --> 00:01:47.360 behind each accepted technical risk in 54 00:01:46.079 --> 00:01:48.960 the risk database 55 00:01:47.360 --> 00:01:50.399 this involves looking at mitigation 56 00:01:48.960 --> 00:01:52.159 strategies and trade-offs that may have 57 00:01:50.399 --> 00:01:53.119 been made while accepting technical 58 00:01:52.159 --> 00:01:55.360 risks 59 00:01:53.119 --> 00:01:57.040 despite the distance internships make an 60 00:01:55.360 --> 00:01:58.560 important difference to the mission 61 00:01:57.040 --> 00:02:00.719 and to the careers of students and 62 00:01:58.560 --> 00:02:01.119 recent grads it gave me the chance to 63 00:02:00.719 --> 00:02:03.200 meet 64 00:02:01.119 --> 00:02:04.880 a lot of people in the field and a lot 65 00:02:03.200 --> 00:02:06.079 of scientists at nasa in general and get 66 00:02:04.880 --> 00:02:07.840 to know their stories 67 00:02:06.079 --> 00:02:10.160 i recently graduated from the university 68 00:02:07.840 --> 00:02:11.840 of cincinnati with a degree in physics 69 00:02:10.160 --> 00:02:13.440 and this fall i'll be headed to grad 70 00:02:11.840 --> 00:02:14.879 school to study exoplanets 71 00:02:13.440 --> 00:02:18.319 and exoplanets is actually what i'm 72 00:02:14.879 --> 00:02:20.160 working on jwst with right now 73 00:02:18.319 --> 00:02:22.400 i'm really really excited to be able to 74 00:02:20.160 --> 00:02:24.720 be building just kind of a road map of 75 00:02:22.400 --> 00:02:27.040 past present future what we used to know 76 00:02:24.720 --> 00:02:28.640 what we want to know about the 77 00:02:27.040 --> 00:02:34.160 infrared light that is reaching us from 78 00:02:28.640 --> 00:02:34.160 the beginning of the universe