(music) (music) Matt McGill: As a student in atmospheric science and having a degree in atmospheric science with a focus on developing remote sensing instrumentation, their aren't very many places you can pursue that line of work, and Goddard is one of the preeminent places for earth science, atmospheric science, and instrument development. I'm Dr. Matt McGill; I'm a research scientist in the Earth Science Division. (music) I am currently and have been since the inception a member of the Goddard Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Advisory Committee, and I also support D&I activities for 600 and 610. (music) A very wise person said, "look, don't forget people don't check who they are when they come through the gate each day." You come into the center with your demographic and all your baggage, and people come to the center with all the problems and frustrations of life outside the gates, they can't leave that at the gate. they can't leave that at the gate. But we, you know we tend to forget that especially on the science side, we tend to forget that people come here with all that baggage, and the, "who they are" in the real world. That is important and having a strong D&I/EEO presence at the center, their is one way to try and remind people that their are problems and frustrations that people are faced with outside our offices. (music) (music) Well personal research experiences, I've had many we'd develop, I've been able to develop many remote sensing instruments here, including one that operated on the Space Station for almost three years. In terms of learning experiences I think the thing I've learned the most and I try to convey to others is that, trusting and empowering a team is the key to success. (music) (music) I think that D&I/EEO does impact our mission success, not necessarily in like a flight project mission success way, but in the overall center or agency in what we call "mission success." And I think I've seen that apply a lot to the younger folks. They can participate in the D&I/EEO activities, the advisory committees, and as a result they become known to management early on. You present as part of those activities, you talk to management, you work with them, so later on when those employees have to interact with center management for proposals, project, whatever is going on they become known, "oh yeah I know you," and theirs a comfort level then, both ways, and I've seen that help in many cases. (music) (music) Well the Goddard culture does present a lot of hindrances and a lot of help, its true. Their are many hindrances, you know: bureaucracy, too many rules, "I.T." Security, all that stuff that we all deal with. As far as help, I think it usually comes down to personal connections. Once folks are here, if you develop personal connections and get known, then those other folks help you overcome institutional biases or challenges or anything else and you're able to succeed on your own merits, but it's usually through personal connections or they help, and you get that here at Goddard if you seek it out. We have mentors often, I think on the science and engineering side, and, but the personal connections, once people know your capabilities, your abilities, that overcomes a lot. (music) Compared to other centers I've visited, I think Goddard is unique. One thing that Goddard has is simply a vast array of disciplines; you can do almost anything here on this center. We have every sort of engineering, every sort of science; project management. So I think there's a, just a vast array of disciplines you can get involved with the projects here at Goddard. (music) Be involved in the D&I/EEO activities on center, the advisory committees. We have a hard time getting people to especially on the science side, we have a hard time getting people to step away from their computers and participate in these activities but the ability to meet people across the center, learn that theirs a bigger center here and again meet management, become familiar with management, that is a huge benefit especially for younger employees. Getting them to recognize the value of that and take time out to participate in it is a challenge, so if you can do it, if you have the opportunity, do it.