Transcripts of HS3_Global_Hawk_S_HIS_Instrument_ipod_sm

(music) (music) (music) (music) (music) The hardest thing to predict about hurricanes right is, how to untangle the puzzle, of exactly what determines it is a tough one. But we have a whole bunch of new tools now. It’s called the Scanning- HIS, and that stands for Scanning as it does cross-tract scanning in order to give aerial coverage. High-Resolution is the H, its high spectral resolution, which gives you High-Resolution coverage of the infrared emitted spectrum. Interferometer is the I, and that explains the type of instrument that’s used to give the high spectral resolution coverage and it’s a Sounder which means from that you can derive vertical profiles of the quantities. With this aircraft that can fly for twenty-four hours we can really get the time coverage of what’s going on with the storm much better than we’ve been able to do. In fact we’ll be measuring the temperature structure of the upper area around the storm, also the water vapor properties of the outflow of the storm, and the cloud structures. So it’s a combination of being able to do it in more spatial detail and get temporal changes that you can’t do from a spacecraft. Learning little pieces of the puzzle all add up to being able able to do better forecasting in the future. It’s something that we’ve studied for many, many, years now, for decades is how to make measurements like this and to see them being used is very rewarding, especially interesting to see our community leading in this area that’s going to turn into benefits for society. (music)