Nighttime Panorama—Pakistan’s Indus River Valley

  • Released Friday, January 31, 2020
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An astronaut onboard the International Space Station took this nighttime panorama while looking north across Pakistan’s Indus River valley. The port city of Karachi is the bright cluster of lights facing the Arabian Sea, which appears completely black. City lights and the dark color of dense agriculture closely track with the great curves of the Indus valley. For scale, the distance from Karachi to the foothills of the Himalaya Mountains is 720 miles (1,160 kilometers). This photograph shows one of the few places on Earth where an international boundary can be seen at night. The winding border between Pakistan and India is lit by security lights that have a distinct orange tone.

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Please give credit for this item to:
NASA, Earth at Night book

  • Technical support

    • Amy Moran (Global Science and Technology, Inc.)

Release date

This page was originally published on Friday, January 31, 2020.
This page was last updated on Monday, July 15, 2024 at 12:24 AM EDT.