Mars 2018 Global Dust Storm
These images were originally published on JPL's Planetary Photojournal, and are adapted here for use on NASA's Hyperwall.
On Wednesday, May 30, 2018, NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) detected the start of a Martian dust storm. Ballooning quickly, the storm blanketed a quarter of the planet by June 12. By June 19, the storm was officially a “planet-encircling dust event”—less precisely called a "global" dust storm, though these storms never truly cover the entire globe of Mars.
Because the dust blocks out the sunlight Opportunity’s solar panels need to charge its batteries, scientists had to suspend science activities. As of July 18, no response has been received from Opportunity since June 10. Meanwhile, the nuclear-powered Curiosity rover is largely immune to the darkened skies, allowing it to continue collecting data.
Scientists observing the event say that, as of July 23, 2018, more dust is falling out than is being raised into the planet's thin air. That means the event has reached its decay phase. Once the dust settles, it will likely form a fine film only a few tens of microns thick—about the width of a human hair. This means Opportunity’s solar panels may be covered by a fine film of dust. That could delay a recovery of the rover as it gathers energy to recharge its batters. Opportunity will wake up again once it gets enough sunlight to charge its batteries, at which point it will automatically try to phone home—which scientists are cautiously optimistic will happen.
Rotating globes from May 28 and July 1 show a global dust storm completely obscuring the surface of Mars.

Two images from the surface of Mars show the atmospheric effects of the June 2018 dust storm.

Aglobal image of Mars from June 6, 2018 shows an early view of the dust storm which eventually covered the globe.
A timeseries of global images of Mars show the spread of the June 2018 dust storm.
An animation of optical depth during the 2018 Mars global dust storm.
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This page was originally published on Sunday, August 5, 2018.
This page was last updated on Friday, October 11, 2024 at 12:27 AM EDT.