Big Sunspot 1520 Releases X1.4 Class Flare

  • Released Thursday, July 12, 2012

An X1.4 class flare erupted from the center of the sun, peaking on July 12, 2012 at 12:52 PM EDT. It erupted from Active Region 1520 which rotated into view on July 6.

This image combines two sets of observations of the sun at 10:45 AM EDT, July 12, 2012 from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) to give an impression of what the sun looked like shortly before it unleashed an X-class flare beginning at 12:11 PM EDT.  The image incorporates light in the 171 angstrom wavelength, which shows off giant loops of solar material overlying the middle of the sun over Active Region 1520 where the flare originated.  The second set of observations is called a magnetogram, which highlights magnetic fields on the sun. Together these kinds of observations can help scientists understand the magnetic properties of the sun that lead to giant explosions like flares.

This image combines two sets of observations of the sun at 10:45 AM EDT, July 12, 2012 from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) to give an impression of what the sun looked like shortly before it unleashed an X-class flare beginning at 12:11 PM EDT. The image incorporates light in the 171 angstrom wavelength, which shows off giant loops of solar material overlying the middle of the sun over Active Region 1520 where the flare originated. The second set of observations is called a magnetogram, which highlights magnetic fields on the sun. Together these kinds of observations can help scientists understand the magnetic properties of the sun that lead to giant explosions like flares.

SOHO LASCO C2 view of emerging CME.  The white circle shows the position and size of the sun.

SOHO LASCO C2 view of emerging CME. The white circle shows the position and size of the sun.

For More Information


Please give credit for this item to:
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Release date

This page was originally published on Thursday, July 12, 2012.
This page was last updated on Monday, July 15, 2024 at 12:11 AM EDT.


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This visualization originally appeared on the following tapes:
  • Heliophysics Breaking News 2012 collection (ID: 2012048)
    Thursday, November 1, 2012 at 4:00AM
    Produced by - Robert Crippen (NASA)