WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.020 --> 00:00:04.000 Oceans in the Northern Hemisphere have become a little less 2 00:00:04.020 --> 00:00:08.020 crowded. A new study led by NASA researchers has found 3 00:00:08.040 --> 00:00:12.090 populations of the microscopic marine plants, phytoplankton, have 4 00:00:12.110 --> 00:00:16.150 decreased in recent years. Individual phytoplankton are 5 00:00:16.170 --> 00:00:20.200 invisible to the human eye but they can be detected from space by looking at the 6 00:00:20.220 --> 00:00:24.230 color of the oceans. Using a NASA model in combination with 7 00:00:24.250 --> 00:00:28.260 ocean satellite data, scientists observed in the Northern Hemisphere 8 00:00:28.280 --> 00:00:32.310 a one percent decrease of phytoplankton per year between 9 00:00:32.330 --> 00:00:36.360 1998 and 2012. Phytoplankton 10 00:00:36.380 --> 00:00:40.650 are the first level of the food chain. So they feed fish but also 11 00:00:40.670 --> 00:00:44.760 larger mammals including whales. Plus phytoplankton are just like trees, 12 00:00:44.780 --> 00:00:48.760 absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. So 13 00:00:48.780 --> 00:00:52.770 there is a constant exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere of gas. 14 00:00:52.790 --> 00:00:56.850 In fact, the ocean absorbs about 25% of the carbon 15 00:00:56.870 --> 00:01:01.000 dioxide that is emitted by humans. We don't know whether the decrease 16 00:01:01.020 --> 00:01:05.180 will keep on going but what we know is that this decrease could 17 00:01:05.200 --> 00:01:09.260 likely have an effect on carbon dioxide in the 18 00:01:09.280 --> 00:01:13.320 atmosphere and the food chain. 19 00:01:13.340 --> 00:01:13.353