Transcript of LRO Behind the Scenes Intro




[Andy Freeberg] Hey, I'm Andy Freeberg from Goddard Space Flight Center and we're down here at Kennedy getting ready for the LRO/LCROSS launch. Because this is such an exciting time, we wanted to go behind the scenes, talk to the scientists and learn a little bit more about what's going on.


[Mike Wargo] We're finally here at the Cape, and we're ready to launch. We have two spacecraft, we have Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, that's a mouthful so we call it LCROSS and LRO, and we're ready. The two spacecraft are stacked on top of eachother, inside the faring, on top of the rocket the rocket's ready to roll out and we're ready to go back to the moon.


[Craig Tooley] We're very excited to be, really, NASA and our nation's first step to returning human beings to the moon.


[Samuel Lawrence] So the moon is only two days away and it's the perfect place where we can learn how to live and work on other planets in a safe and economical way.


[Todd May] We, as a race, as human kind, we were born to explore it's in our hearts and these missions are preparing us to be able to do what we were born to do, to explore, to push our boundaries, to go out beyond the fence in our back yard. And we're really looking forward to doing that.

