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Goddard TV Video Tape: G2000-101



Global average rainfall measurements during El NiƱo over the Pacific Ocean during November 1998 as measured by TRMM TRMM: Covers El Niño/La Niña Event Over the Pacific Using Monthly Average Rainfall Measurements
A combined image of clouds from GOES and sea surface temperatures from TRMM in the Atlantic on August 28, 1998.  This image shows Hurricane Danielle right on top of the cooler ocean region caused by Hurricane Bonnie. Sea Surface Temp and Hurricane Connections: TRMM and GOES, Aug. 22, 1998 - Sept. 3, 1998 (Deluxe)
A combined image of clouds from GOES and sea surface temperatures from TRMM in the Atlantic on August 28, 1998.  This image shows Hurricane Bonnie over the East Coast of the United States and the cool water track that Bonnie left in its wake.  Hurricane Danielle is in the lower right corner of the image. Sea Surface Temp and Hurricane Connections: TRMM and GOES, Aug. 22, 1998 - Sept. 3, 1998 (Basic)