{ "id": 4426, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4426/", "page_type": "Visualization", "title": "March 2016 Eclipse: Earth, Moon and Sun", "description": "The Moon moves right to left in its orbit around the Earth. The shadow it casts hits the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse. || sun_earth.0270_print.jpg (1024x576) [43.2 KB] || sun_earth.0270_searchweb.png (320x180) [38.3 KB] || sun_earth.0270_print_thm.png (80x40) [4.3 KB] || 2016tse_sun_earth_1080p30.mp4 (1920x1080) [4.7 MB] || 2016tse_sun_earth_720p30.mp4 (1280x720) [2.1 MB] || frames/1920x1080_16x9_30p/ (1920x1080) [32.0 KB] || 2016tse_sun_earth_720p30.webm (1280x720) [3.4 MB] || 2016tse_sun_earth_360p30.mp4 (640x360) [681.1 KB] || ", "release_date": "2016-02-12T10:00:00-05:00", "update_date": "2023-11-14T00:07:37.705418-05:00", "main_image": { "id": 427269, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004426/sun_earth.0270_print.jpg", "filename": "sun_earth.0270_print.jpg", "media_type": "Image", "alt_text": "The Moon moves right to left in its orbit around the Earth. The shadow it casts hits the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse.", "width": 1024, "height": 576, "pixels": 589824 }, "main_video": { "id": 427265, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004426/2016tse_sun_earth_1080p30.mp4", "filename": "2016tse_sun_earth_1080p30.mp4", "media_type": "Movie", "alt_text": "The Moon moves right to left in its orbit around the Earth. The shadow it casts hits the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse.", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "pixels": 2073600 }, "progress": "Complete", "media_groups": [ { "id": 334992, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4426/#media_group_334992", "widget": "Video player", "title": "", "caption": "", "description": "The Moon moves right to left in its orbit around the Earth. The shadow it casts hits the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse.", "items": [ { "id": 272643, "type": "media", "extra_data": null, "title": null, "caption": null, "instance": { "id": 427269, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004426/sun_earth.0270_print.jpg", "filename": "sun_earth.0270_print.jpg", "media_type": "Image", "alt_text": "The Moon moves right to left in its orbit around the Earth. The shadow it casts hits the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse.", "width": 1024, "height": 576, "pixels": 589824 } }, { "id": 272644, "type": "media", "extra_data": null, "title": null, "caption": null, "instance": { "id": 427270, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004426/sun_earth.0270_searchweb.png", "filename": "sun_earth.0270_searchweb.png", "media_type": "Image", "alt_text": "The Moon moves right to left in its orbit around the Earth. The shadow it casts hits the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse.", "width": 320, "height": 180, "pixels": 57600 } }, { "id": 272646, "type": "media", "extra_data": null, "title": null, "caption": null, "instance": { "id": 427272, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004426/sun_earth.0270_print_thm.png", "filename": "sun_earth.0270_print_thm.png", "media_type": "Image", "alt_text": "The Moon moves right to left in its orbit around the Earth. The shadow it casts hits the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse.", "width": 80, "height": 40, "pixels": 3200 } }, { "id": 272639, "type": "media", "extra_data": null, "title": null, "caption": null, "instance": { "id": 427265, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004426/2016tse_sun_earth_1080p30.mp4", "filename": "2016tse_sun_earth_1080p30.mp4", "media_type": "Movie", "alt_text": "The Moon moves right to left in its orbit around the Earth. The shadow it casts hits the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse.", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "pixels": 2073600 } }, { "id": 272640, "type": "media", "extra_data": null, "title": null, "caption": null, "instance": { "id": 427266, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004426/2016tse_sun_earth_720p30.mp4", "filename": "2016tse_sun_earth_720p30.mp4", "media_type": "Movie", "alt_text": "The Moon moves right to left in its orbit around the Earth. The shadow it casts hits the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse.", "width": 1280, "height": 720, "pixels": 921600 } }, { "id": 272642, "type": "media", "extra_data": null, "title": null, "caption": null, "instance": { "id": 427268, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004426/frames/1920x1080_16x9_30p/", "filename": "1920x1080_16x9_30p", "media_type": "Frames", "alt_text": "The Moon moves right to left in its orbit around the Earth. The shadow it casts hits the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse.", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "pixels": 2073600 } }, { "id": 272645, "type": "media", "extra_data": null, "title": null, "caption": null, "instance": { "id": 427271, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004426/2016tse_sun_earth_720p30.webm", "filename": "2016tse_sun_earth_720p30.webm", "media_type": "Movie", "alt_text": "The Moon moves right to left in its orbit around the Earth. The shadow it casts hits the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse.", "width": 1280, "height": 720, "pixels": 921600 } }, { "id": 272641, "type": "media", "extra_data": null, "title": null, "caption": null, "instance": { "id": 427267, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004426/2016tse_sun_earth_360p30.mp4", "filename": "2016tse_sun_earth_360p30.mp4", "media_type": "Movie", "alt_text": "The Moon moves right to left in its orbit around the Earth. The shadow it casts hits the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse.", "width": 640, "height": 360, "pixels": 230400 } } ], "extra_data": {} }, { "id": 334991, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4426/#media_group_334991", "widget": "Basic text with HTML", "title": "", "caption": "", "description": "A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, casting its shadow on the Earth. The shadow comprises two concentric cones called the umbra and the penumbra. Observers on the Earth who are within the smaller, central umbra see the Sun completely blocked. Within the larger penumbra, the Sun is only partially blocked.

In this animation, the Earth, Moon, Sun, and shadow cones are viewed through a telescopic lens on a virtual camera located far behind the Earth. Long focal lengths like the one used here appear to compress the distance between near and far objects. Despite appearances, the geometry of the scene is correct. The Moon's umbra cone is roughly 30 Earth diameters long, barely enough to reach the Earth, while the Sun is almost 400 times farther away.

From this perspective, we see the night sides of both the Earth and the Moon. Solar eclipses can only occur during New Moon, when the entire Earth-facing side of the Moon is experiencing nighttime darkness.", "items": [], "extra_data": {} } ], "studio": "SVS", "funding_sources": [ "NASA Heliophysics" ], "credits": [ { "role": "Visualizer", "people": [ { "name": "Ernie Wright", "employer": "USRA" } ] }, { "role": "Producer", "people": [ { "name": "Genna Duberstein", "employer": "USRA" } ] } ], "missions": [], "series": [], "tapes": [], "papers": [], "datasets": [ { "name": "JPL DE421", "common_name": "DE421", "platform": null, "sensor": null, "type": "Ephemeris", "organizations": [], "description": "Planetary ephemerides", "credit": "", "url": "http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?ephemerides#planets", "date_range": null } ], "nasa_science_categories": [ "Earth", "Planets & Moons", "Sun" ], "keywords": [ "Eclipse", "HDTV", "Heliophysics", "Hyperwall", "Moon", "Solar Eclipse", "Sun and Earth", "Sun-Earth-Moon Interactions" ], "recommended_pages": [], "related": [ { "id": 13668, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/13668/", "page_type": "Produced Video", "title": "Cómo ver un eclipse solar de forma segura", "description": "Nunca es seguro mirar directamente al Sol, incluso si está parcialmente oscurecido. Al observar un eclipse parcial, debes usar gafas de eclipse en todo momento si deseas mirar el Sol, o utilizar un método indirecto alternativo. Esto también se aplica durante un eclipse total hasta el momento en que el Sol está total y completamente bloqueado por la Luna.Durante el breve período de tiempo en que la Luna oscurece por completo al Sol, el llamado período de totalidad, es seguro mirar directamente al astro rey, pero es crucial que sepas cuándo desviar la vista y volver a ponerte los lentes de eclipse.Primero, lo más importante: busca información local sobre el momento en que comenzará y terminará el eclipse total.Segundo: el Sol también proporciona pistas importantes sobre cuándo la totalidad está a punto de comenzar y terminar. || ", "release_date": "2020-12-10T14:00:00-05:00", "update_date": "2023-05-03T13:44:25.771707-04:00", "main_image": { "id": 380720, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a010000/a013600/a013668/EclipseSafetyVideo_Spanish.00140_print.jpg", "filename": "EclipseSafetyVideo_Spanish.00140_print.jpg", "media_type": "Image", "alt_text": "Mira este video en el canal de YouTube en español de la NASA.Créditos de Música: “Perfect Horizon” por Sam Joseph Delves [PRS] de Universal Production Music", "width": 1024, "height": 576, "pixels": 589824 } }, { "id": 12165, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/12165/", "page_type": "Produced Video", "title": "2016 Total Solar Eclipse Live Shots", "description": "Solar Eclipse Live Shot Roll-ins || Solar_Eclipse_Rollins_h264_print.jpg (1024x576) [28.9 KB] || Solar_Eclipse_Rollins.webmhd.webm (1280x720) [23.6 MB] || Solar_Eclipse_Rollins_h264.mov (1280x720) [499.9 MB] || Solar_Eclipse_Rollins.mov (1280x720) [1.7 GB] || ", "release_date": "2016-03-03T17:00:00-05:00", "update_date": "2023-05-03T13:48:50.209065-04:00", "main_image": { "id": 426265, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a010000/a012100/a012165/Thaller_Solar_Eclipes_Canned_youtube_print.jpg", "filename": "Thaller_Solar_Eclipes_Canned_youtube_print.jpg", "media_type": "Image", "alt_text": "Canned interview with Dr. Michelle Thaller", "width": 1024, "height": 576, "pixels": 589824 } }, { "id": 4424, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4424/", "page_type": "Visualization", "title": "March 2016 Eclipse Shadow Cones", "description": "The umbral and penumbral shadow cones travel across the surface of the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse. || cones.0850_print.jpg (1024x576) [92.5 KB] || cones.0850_searchweb.png (320x180) [56.7 KB] || cones.0850_thm.png (80x40) [5.0 KB] || tse2016_cones_1080p30.mp4 (1920x1080) [19.0 MB] || tse2016_cones_720p30.mp4 (1280x720) [9.4 MB] || frames/1920x1080_16x9_30p/ (1920x1080) [64.0 KB] || tse2016_cones_720p30.webm (1280x720) [6.8 MB] || tse2016_cones_360p30.mp4 (640x360) [3.0 MB] || ", "release_date": "2016-02-12T10:00:00-05:00", "update_date": "2023-11-14T00:07:37.268996-05:00", "main_image": { "id": 427208, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004424/cones.0850_print.jpg", "filename": "cones.0850_print.jpg", "media_type": "Image", "alt_text": "The umbral and penumbral shadow cones travel across the surface of the Earth during the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse.", "width": 1024, "height": 576, "pixels": 589824 } }, { "id": 4425, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4425/", "page_type": "Visualization", "title": "March 2016 Eclipse and the Moon's Orbit", "description": "The Moon orbits the Earth in the months prior to the March 9, 2016 (March 8 in the Americas) total solar eclipse. Viewed from above, the Moon's shadow appears to cross the Earth every month, but a side view reveals the five-degree tilt of the Moon's orbit. Its shadow only hits the Earth when the line of nodes, the fulcrum of its orbital tilt, is pointed toward the Sun. || orbit.0360_print.jpg (1024x576) [38.2 KB] || orbit.0360_searchweb.png (320x180) [38.1 KB] || orbit.0360_thm.png (80x40) [4.0 KB] || 2016tse_orbit_1080p30.mp4 (1920x1080) [3.6 MB] || 2016tse_orbit_720p30.mp4 (1280x720) [1.7 MB] || frames/1920x1080_16x9_30p/orbit/ (1920x1080) [32.0 KB] || 2016tse_orbit_720p30.webm (1280x720) [3.3 MB] || 2016tse_orbit_360p30.mp4 (640x360) [594.9 KB] || ", "release_date": "2016-02-12T10:00:00-05:00", "update_date": "2023-11-14T00:07:37.583206-05:00", "main_image": { "id": 427255, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004425/orbit.0360_print.jpg", "filename": "orbit.0360_print.jpg", "media_type": "Image", "alt_text": "The Moon orbits the Earth in the months prior to the March 9, 2016 (March 8 in the Americas) total solar eclipse. Viewed from above, the Moon's shadow appears to cross the Earth every month, but a side view reveals the five-degree tilt of the Moon's orbit. Its shadow only hits the Earth when the line of nodes, the fulcrum of its orbital tilt, is pointed toward the Sun.", "width": 1024, "height": 576, "pixels": 589824 } }, { "id": 4427, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4427/", "page_type": "Visualization", "title": "March 2016 Total Solar Eclipse Path", "description": "The animated shadow path of the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse, showing the umbra (black oval), penumbra (concentric shaded ovals), and path of totality (red) through Indonesia and the western Pacific.This video is also available on our YouTube channel. || path.0885_print.jpg (1024x576) [108.6 KB] || path.0885_searchweb.png (320x180) [76.0 KB] || path.0885_thm.png (80x40) [6.9 KB] || 2016tse_path_1080p30.mp4 (1920x1080) [21.6 MB] || 2016tse_path_720p30.mp4 (1280x720) [12.0 MB] || frames/1920x1080_16x9_30p/fancy/ (1920x1080) [64.0 KB] || 2016tse_path_720p30.webm (1280x720) [6.6 MB] || 2016tse_path_360p30.mp4 (640x360) [4.8 MB] || ", "release_date": "2016-02-12T10:00:00-05:00", "update_date": "2023-11-14T00:07:37.998026-05:00", "main_image": { "id": 427277, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004400/a004427/path.0885_print.jpg", "filename": "path.0885_print.jpg", "media_type": "Image", "alt_text": "The animated shadow path of the March 9, 2016 total solar eclipse, showing the umbra (black oval), penumbra (concentric shaded ovals), and path of totality (red) through Indonesia and the western Pacific.This video is also available on our YouTube channel.", "width": 1024, "height": 576, "pixels": 589824 } } ], "sources": [], "products": [ { "id": 13891, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/13891/", "page_type": "Produced Video", "title": "An EPIC View of the Moon’s Shadow During the June 10 Solar Eclipse", "description": "NASA’s EPIC, Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC), sits aboard NOAA’s Deep Space Climate Observatory Satellite (DSCOVR). EPIC provides high quality, color images of Earth, which are useful for monitoring factors like the planet’s vegetation, cloud height, and ozone. And every once in a while –– most recently, June 10, 2021 –– it has the opportunity to capture a solar eclipse.A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is positioned between the Sun and Earth, leading the Moon’s shadow to be projected onto Earth. During a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely blocks the Sun. During an annular solar eclipse, like the one on June 10, the Moon is near its farthest point from Earth and appears smaller than the Sun in the sky. As the two align, the Sun appears as a ring of fire surrounding the dark disk of the Moon. On June 10, viewers in parts of Canada, Greenland, and Russia were treated to a full annular eclipse. People in a handful of other locations, including parts of the Caribbean, Asia, Europe, eastern United States, Alaska, and northern Africa, were able to catch a partial solar eclipse, where only part of the Sun is blocked by the Moon, leaving behind a crescent-shaped piece of Sun. EPIC didn’t have too bad a view, either.You can find more photos and videos from EPIC, including a few lunar photobombs, here. || ", "release_date": "2021-07-21T11:00:00-04:00", "update_date": "2023-05-03T13:44:04.206651-04:00", "main_image": { "id": 377962, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a010000/a013800/a013891/13891_EPIC_Eclipse2021_YouTube.00358_print.jpg", "filename": "13891_EPIC_Eclipse2021_YouTube.00358_print.jpg", "media_type": "Image", "alt_text": "Music: “Cherry on Top” by Ben Beiny [PRS] from Universal Production MusicComplete transcript available.", "width": 1024, "height": 576, "pixels": 589824 } }, { "id": 12147, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/12147/", "page_type": "Produced Video", "title": "2016 Eclipse", "description": "Solar scientists Natchimuthuk Gopalswamy, Nelson Reginal, Eric Christian, and Sarah Jaeggli discuss the 2016 eclipse and how it is great preparation for the 2017 eclipse.Complete transcript available. || eclipse_promo_thumb.jpg (1280x720) [53.1 KB] || eclipse_promo_thumb_searchweb.png (320x180) [69.9 KB] || eclipse_promo_thumb_thm.png (80x40) [12.8 KB] || YOUTUBE_HQ_12147_2016.eclipse_promo_V2_youtube_hq.mov (1920x1080) [534.5 MB] || PRORES_B-ROLL_12147_2016.eclipse_promo_V2_prores.mov (1280x720) [1.5 GB] || APPLE_TV_12147_2016.eclipse_promo_V2_appletv.m4v (1280x720) [63.3 MB] || NASA_TV_12147_2016.eclipse_promo_V2.mpeg (1280x720) [383.5 MB] || 12147_2016.eclipse_promo_V2.mov (1920x1080) [2.7 GB] || YOUTUBE_HQ_12147_2016.eclipse_promo_V2_youtube_hq.webm (1920x1080) [11.6 MB] || APPLE_TV_12147_2016.eclipse_promo_V2_appletv_subtitles.m4v (1280x720) [63.4 MB] || 12147_2016_eclipse_PROMO.en_US.srt [2.0 KB] || 12147_2016_eclipse_PROMO.en_US.vtt [2.0 KB] || NASA_PODCAST_12147_2016.eclipse_promo_V2_ipod_sm.mp4 (320x240) [21.4 MB] || ", "release_date": "2016-03-03T10:00:00-05:00", "update_date": "2023-05-03T13:48:50.523148-04:00", "main_image": { "id": 427218, "url": "https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a010000/a012100/a012147/eclipse_promo_thumb.jpg", "filename": "eclipse_promo_thumb.jpg", "media_type": "Image", "alt_text": "Solar scientists Natchimuthuk Gopalswamy, Nelson Reginal, Eric Christian, and Sarah Jaeggli discuss the 2016 eclipse and how it is great preparation for the 2017 eclipse.Complete transcript available.", "width": 1280, "height": 720, "pixels": 921600 } } ], "newer_versions": [], "older_versions": [], "alternate_versions": [] }