WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:08.258 ♪ A team of observatories, including NASA’s Swift satellite, recently joined forces to trace a hard-to-detect cosmic particle 2 00:00:08.258 --> 00:00:11.219 back to its dramatic origin. 3 00:00:11.219 --> 00:00:16.099 The particle, called a high-energy neutrino, was likely produced by a tidal disruption event, 4 00:00:16.099 --> 00:00:19.561 which occurs when a star passes too close to a black hole. 5 00:00:19.561 --> 00:00:24.441 There, extreme gravity causes the star to bulge and break apart into a stream of gas, 6 00:00:24.441 --> 00:00:30.030 with some of the material swinging around to form an accretion disk. 7 00:00:30.030 --> 00:00:36.161 Neutrinos vastly outnumber all the atoms in the universe, but they have almost no mass and rarely interact with other matter, 8 00:00:36.161 --> 00:00:38.246 so they’re very hard to pin down. 9 00:00:38.246 --> 00:00:43.376 However, scientists have detected them coming from extreme objects like exploding stars. 10 00:00:43.376 --> 00:00:46.421 High-energy neutrinos come from even more bizarre places, 11 00:00:46.421 --> 00:00:51.301 like super-fast particle jets driven by supermassive black holes. 12 00:00:51.301 --> 00:00:55.680 Scientists suspected that tidal disruptions could also produce high-energy neutrinos. 13 00:00:55.680 --> 00:01:00.602 But they weren’t sure where or when in the process the particles might appear. 14 00:01:00.602 --> 00:01:04.064 Some suggested powerful jets would create these neutrinos. 15 00:01:04.064 --> 00:01:10.570 Regardless of how they’re made, though, astronomers expected they’d appear early on, when the event is brightest. 16 00:01:10.570 --> 00:01:18.161 However, a high-energy neutrino arriving from a tidal disruption called AT2019dsg offered new insights. 17 00:01:18.161 --> 00:01:23.708 An observatory called the Zwicky Transient Facility in California discovered the event in April 2019, 18 00:01:23.708 --> 00:01:31.674 but it wasn’t until October that the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica detected a high-energy neutrino astronomers linked to this event. 19 00:01:31.674 --> 00:01:38.348 Measurements by Swift and other observatories show that the tidal disruption’s visible and ultraviolet light peaked and appeared to plateau, 20 00:01:38.348 --> 00:01:40.683 and its X-rays dimmed quickly. 21 00:01:40.683 --> 00:01:44.646 However, radio telescopes saw its emission steadily increase. 22 00:01:44.646 --> 00:01:50.902 This meant some particles were being accelerated even though super-fast particle jets were never detected. 23 00:01:50.902 --> 00:01:57.450 So, AT2019dsg had the right environment to accelerate particles and produce high-energy neutrinos -- 24 00:01:57.450 --> 00:02:01.329 and maintained it for a longer period than scientists expected. 25 00:02:01.329 --> 00:02:05.208 Astronomers think the neutrino may have come from one of three regions: 26 00:02:05.208 --> 00:02:10.880 in the disk close to the black hole, where particles colliding with X-rays could produce neutrinos; 27 00:02:10.880 --> 00:02:14.717 further out in the disk, where particles could interact with UV light; 28 00:02:14.717 --> 00:02:19.013 or in broad outflows where particles could collide with each other. 29 00:02:19.013 --> 00:02:24.519 This is only the second time a high-energy neutrino has been tied to a source beyond our galaxy. 30 00:02:24.519 --> 00:02:29.983 Scientists are searching for links between previous tidal disruptions and other high-energy neutrinos. 31 00:02:29.983 --> 00:02:40.702 And, as observatories discover new events, they now have a better idea of where and when they might find these elusive particles. 32 00:02:40.702 --> 00:02:45.707 ON-SCREEN: NASA logo