WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.010 --> 00:00:04.040 [female reporter] The world's most recognizable telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope is turning 2 00:00:04.040 --> 00:00:09.060 25. Here to show us some of Hubble's most beautiful images an talk about some of the 3 00:00:09.060 --> 00:00:13.090 science, Hubble helped to discover, is Dr. Mark Clampin, from NASA's Goddard Space Flight 4 00:00:13.090 --> 00:00:15.110 center. Thanks for joining us. 5 00:00:15.110 --> 00:00:16.140 [Dr. Clampin] Hello. 6 00:00:16.140 --> 00:00:21.150 [female reporter] So, Hubble Space Telescope is turing 25, can you show us some of Hubble's 7 00:00:21.150 --> 00:00:23.220 most beautiful images? 8 00:00:23.220 --> 00:00:28.260 [Dr. Clampin] Sure, so I think every images Hubble takes is breath taking in its own way. 9 00:00:28.260 --> 00:00:34.300 this picture here you are about to see, is a picture of Jupiter and this one is particularly special 10 00:00:34.300 --> 00:00:40.320 because you see three of it's moons crossing in front of it. This is the Eagle Nebula 11 00:00:40.320 --> 00:00:46.370 which is a big dust cloud and this is the Cat's Eye Nebula or planetary nebula. 12 00:00:46.370 --> 00:00:53.490 Here we see two galaxies superposed on each other and then this is a image of the 13 00:00:53.490 --> 00:00:59.520 Hubble Deep Field showing distant galaxies in the universe then finally this is a very active 14 00:00:59.520 --> 00:01:01.570 galaxy called M82. 15 00:01:01.570 --> 00:01:04.610 [female reporter] What are some of the surprising things you've learned? 16 00:01:04.610 --> 00:01:08.670 [Dr. Clampin] Well we've learned a lot of really interesting things with Hubble and have rewritten 17 00:01:08.670 --> 00:01:15.690 the astronomy and astrophysics text books. One example is that the expanding universe is 18 00:01:15.690 --> 00:01:22.720 actually accelerating due to the unseen effect of dark energy. We've been able to images galaxies 19 00:01:22.720 --> 00:01:29.780 in the deep field back to a billion years after the big bang. Closer to home for instance in our own 20 00:01:29.780 --> 00:01:34.810 solar system we've been able to find that Pluto has five moons. 21 00:01:34.810 --> 00:01:40.860 [female reporter] Just yesterday you released a new image, can you talk about that? 22 00:01:40.860 --> 00:01:46.900 [Dr. Clampin] So the new image is called "Westerlend 2" and its a cluster of young stars 23 00:01:46.900 --> 00:01:54.940 Basically it's another region of intense star formation with lots of young stars being born 24 00:01:54.940 --> 00:02:02.020 and you can see sort of dust and gas to the lower left there and a cluster of stars to the top right. 25 00:02:02.020 --> 00:02:04.040 Very beautiful image. 26 00:02:04.040 --> 00:02:09.120 [female reporter] Hubble is also a human story, Astronauts service the telescope five times. 27 00:02:09.120 --> 00:02:12.190 Can you talk about some of the obsticales Hubble has overcome? 28 00:02:12.190 --> 00:02:19.220 [Dr. Clampin] Exactly, so everytime we service Hubble it's basically going to work in space 29 00:02:19.220 --> 00:02:25.260 and on some of the early missions, we were basically just replacing whole instruments. 30 00:02:25.260 --> 00:02:30.270 and the astronauts were able to overcome that challenge. On later servicing missions they 31 00:02:30.270 --> 00:02:35.340 actually had to service instruments in the bay and take panels off and put in individual circuits 32 00:02:35.340 --> 00:02:40.350 boards, which is much, much harder. So the challenges have gotten more and more 33 00:02:40.350 --> 00:02:43.390 and the astronauts have always met them. 34 00:02:43.390 --> 00:02:45.420 [female reporter] How has Hubble touched people? 35 00:02:45.420 --> 00:02:50.440 [Dr. Clampin] So, Hubble has touched our culture in a very big way. You see Hubble images 36 00:02:50.440 --> 00:02:55.480 every where, on stamps. You go into bookstores you see it on book covers 37 00:02:55.480 --> 00:03:01.530 you see Hubble images in museums. You often see them without realizing in TV shows 38 00:03:01.530 --> 00:03:08.610 and movies. But I think more importantly it's also got a generation of kids very interested in science 39 00:03:08.610 --> 00:03:14.650 at an early age and that's very important, get them interested in doing careers later on 40 00:03:14.650 --> 00:03:15.680 in science and engineering. 41 00:03:15.680 --> 00:03:19.720 [female reporter] In 2018, NASA will launch the James Webb Telescope 42 00:03:19.720 --> 00:03:21.750 tell us a little about this mission. 43 00:03:21.750 --> 00:03:25.790 [Dr. Clampin] So Webb is the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. 44 00:03:25.790 --> 00:03:32.890 It's basically is an infrared telescope, so Hubble sees visible light, like we do with our eyes. 45 00:03:32.890 --> 00:03:39.950 The James Webb Telescope will work in the infrareds and it will be able to peer into regions 46 00:03:39.950 --> 00:03:44.050 like the Eagle Nebula here where we know there is a nursery of stars being born. 47 00:03:44.050 --> 00:03:49.090 We will be able to peer into the dust and actually study the stars as they are being born. 48 00:03:49.090 --> 00:03:52.150 Understand how planets form around those stars in that process. 49 00:03:52.150 --> 00:03:54.230 [female reporter] Finally, where can we find out more? 50 00:03:54.230 --> 00:03:59.290 [Dr. Clampin] So you can find more about Hubble images at nasa.gov/hubble 51 00:03:59.290 --> 00:04:02.376 [female reporter] Great! Thanks for joining us.