WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:02.670 --> 00:00:09.910 (Project Manager Art Azarbarzin) DPR is the acronym, is a Dual Precipitation Radar, so it's comprised of 2 00:00:09.910 --> 00:00:15.430 two radars. The complete two separate boxes roughly about you know four 3 00:00:15.430 --> 00:00:22.960 hundred kilogram type, pretty sized, pretty big radars. They, one is at 13 4 00:00:22.960 --> 00:00:31.660 gigahertz, the other at 35 gigahertz. The radars, once they arrive here they go 5 00:00:31.660 --> 00:00:36.399 through some processing make sure during a shipment there was no damage done to 6 00:00:36.399 --> 00:00:40.120 radars. Even though we do have shock monitors on the boxes that make sure 7 00:00:40.120 --> 00:00:49.329 there was no, no unexpected incident happened during the transportation. 8 00:00:49.329 --> 00:00:54.100 However, despite, in spite of that we still go to a processing in-house here 9 00:00:54.100 --> 00:00:59.859 that we check and make sure functionally they're still working properly. Before 10 00:00:59.859 --> 00:01:04.900 they hand it over to NASA. And that would take over the course of a two-week 11 00:01:04.900 --> 00:01:11.050 period before we have our official review. That we go through a readiness of 12 00:01:11.050 --> 00:01:17.740 NASA of accepting that and putting it on a spacecraft. And JAXA also presents 13 00:01:17.740 --> 00:01:21.850 to us that they have done all the testing that following the arrival at 14 00:01:21.850 --> 00:01:26.740 Goddard that everything meets the requirements as expected. And then the 15 00:01:26.740 --> 00:01:30.150 instruments are handed over to us. 16 00:01:31.120 --> 00:01:35.920 (Deputy Proj. Mgr. Candace Carlisle) The Dual Precipitation Radar or DPR has two parts. 17 00:01:35.920 --> 00:01:45.040 The first is the Ka PR and the second is Ku PR. Those are two different bands and it provides measurements 18 00:01:45.040 --> 00:01:49.720 simultaneous measurements in both of the bands and it can be used to make 19 00:01:49.729 --> 00:01:54.979 combined products together with the GMI that allow the scientists to determine a 20 00:01:54.979 --> 00:02:00.619 lot more about precipitation from rain through snow be it light or be it heavy 21 00:02:00.619 --> 00:02:03.700 than they know today.