SeaWiFS Views the Whole World with Three Years of Data

By monitoring the color of reflected light via satellite, scientists can determine how successfully plant life is photosynthesizing. A measurement of photosynthesis is essentially a measurement of successful growth, and growth means successful use of ambient carbon. Until now, scientists have only had a continuous record of photosynthesis on land. But following three years of continual data collected by the SeaWiFS instrument, NASA has gathered the first record of photosynthetic productivity in the oceans. By taking three years of continuous data as a whole, experts have been able to map trends and anomalies in the global circulation of carbon to a degree of detail than has never been done before. It is a baseline measurement to by which all future measurements will be compared.
NOTE: All dates are approximate. Each image is an average of data over an eight day time span.
Sept. 1, 1997 Sept. 9, 1997 Sept. 17, 1997 Sept. 25, 1997
Oct. 3, 1997 Oct. 11, 1997 Oct. 19, 1997 Oct. 27, 1997
Nov. 4, 1997 Nov. 12, 1997 Nov. 20, 1997 Nov. 28, 1997
Dec. 6, 1997 Dec. 14, 1997 Dec. 22, 1997 Dec. 30, 1997
Jan. 7, 1998 Jan. 15, 1998 Jan. 23, 1998 Jan. 31, 1998
Feb. 8, 1998 Feb. 16, 1998 Feb. 24, 1998 Mar. 4, 1998
Mar. 12, 1998 Mar. 20, 1998 Mar. 28, 1998 Apr. 5, 1998
Apr. 13, 1998 Apr. 21, 1998 Apr. 29, 1998 May 7, 1998
May 15, 1998 May 23, 1998 May 31, 1998 Jun. 8, 1998
Jun. 16, 1998 Jun. 24, 1998 Jul. 2, 1998 Jul. 10, 1998
Jul. 18, 1998 Jul. 26, 1998 Aug. 3, 1998 Aug. 11, 1998
Aug. 19, 1998 Aug. 27, 1998 Sept. 4, 1998 Sept. 12, 1998
Sept. 20, 1998 Sept. 28, 1998 Oct. 6, 1998 Oct. 14, 1998
Oct. 22, 1998 Oct. 30, 1998 Nov. 7, 1998 Nov. 15, 1998
Nov. 23, 1998 Dec. 1, 1998 Dec. 9, 1998 Dec. 17, 1998
Dec. 25, 1998 Jan. 2, 1999 Jan. 10, 1999 Jan. 18, 1999
Jan. 26, 1999 Feb. 3, 1999 Feb. 11, 1999 Feb. 19, 1999
Feb. 27, 1999 Mar. 7, 1999 Mar. 15, 1999 Mar. 23, 1999
Mar. 31, 1999 Apr. 8, 1999 Apr. 16, 1999 Apr. 24, 1999
May 2, 1999 May 10, 1999 May 18, 1999 May 26, 1999
Jun. 3, 1999 Jun. 11, 1999 Jun. 19, 1999 Jun. 27, 1999
Jul. 5, 1999 Jul. 13, 1999 Jul. 21, 1999 Jul. 29, 1999
Aug. 6, 1999 Aug. 14, 1999 Aug. 22, 1999 Aug. 30, 1999
Sep. 7, 1999 Sep. 15, 1999 Sep. 23, 1999 Oct. 1, 1999
Oct. 9, 1999 Oct. 17, 1999 Oct. 25, 1999 Nov. 2, 1999
Nov. 10, 1999 Nov. 18, 1999 Nov. 26, 1999 Dec. 4, 1999
Dec. 12, 1999 Dec. 20, 1999 Dec. 28, 1999 Jan. 5, 2000
Jan. 13, 2000 Jan. 21, 2000 Jan. 29, 2000 Feb. 6, 2000
Feb. 14, 2000 Feb. 22, 2000 Mar. 1, 2000 Mar. 9, 2000
Mar. 17, 2000 Mar. 25, 2000 Apr. 2, 2000 Apr. 10, 2000
Apr. 18, 2000 Apr. 26, 2000 May 4, 2000 May 12, 2000
May 20, 2000 May 28, 2000 Jun. 5, 2000 Jun. 13, 2000
Jun. 21, 2000 Jun. 29, 2000 Jul. 7, 2000 Jul. 15, 2000
Jul. 23, 2000 Jul. 31, 2000 Aug. 8, 2000 Aug. 16, 2000
Aug. 24, 2000 Sep. 1, 2000 Sep. 9, 2000 Sep. 17, 2000
Sept. 25, 2000