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Goddard TV Video Tape: G2008-138 -- The Road to Glory Podcast



This segment provides an introduction to aerosols- their varied sources, brief lifetimes, and erratic behavior.  Glory's APS will help researchers determine the global distribution of aerosol particles.  This unique instrument will unravel the microphysical properties of aerosols, and will shed light on the chemical composition of natural and anthropogenic aerosols and clouds.    For complete transcript, click  here . Hello Crud
The Sun's energy is one of the biggest forcings on Earth's climate, and for years satellites have measured total solar irradiance. Glory will continue collection of this critical climate data, which will contribute to the long-term climate record. The cutting edge TIM instrument will continue the work of NASA's SORCE mission.    For complete transcript, click  here . Glory's Suncatcher
This short video, which is part of a seven part video podcast series about NASA's Glory mission, explores the complexity of small airborne particles called aerosols. Aerosols play a key role in the climate system, but they remain a terra incognito of sorts for climatologists because of challenges associated with measuring the ubiquitous particles.  Glory's Aerosol Polarimetery Sensor (APS), a unique instrument that measures the polarization of light as it scatters off the aerosols, offers a new and more accurate way to measure the perplexing particles   For complete transcript, click  here . The Particle Puzzle
Space is a harsh environment, and building a space-bound satellite is no small feat!  Here's a look at how NASA engineers get the Glory mission off the ground and safely into space!   For complete transcript, click  here . The Rough Road to Space
Glory is a unique research satellite designed to orbit the Earth and achieve two major goals.  Glory's first goal is to collect data on the properties of aerosols and black carbon in the Earth's atmosphere and climate system; its second goal is to collect data on solar irradiance for Earth's long-term climate record.  This seven-minute video introduces Glory's science objectives, people, and instruments, and provides an overview of the Glory mission.      For complete transcript, click  here . The Road to Glory
This segment provides an introduction to aerosols- their varied sources, brief lifetimes, and erratic behavior.  Glory's APS will help researchers determine the global distribution of aerosol particles.  This unique instrument will unravel the microphysical properties of aerosols, and will shed light on the chemical composition of natural and anthropogenic aerosols and clouds.    For complete transcript, click  here . The Cloud Makers
This short film explores the vital connection between the Earth and the Sun.  NASA's Glory mission and the Total Irradiance Monitor will continue nearly three decades of solar irradiance measurments.  This crucial data will contribute to the long-term climate record.    For complete transcript, click  here . Striking a Solar Balance