Earth  Planets and Moons  Universe  ID: 737

Images of Earth and Space: SC99 Edition

From our home planet to distant neutron stars, this narrated video tape presents recent scientific visualizations of observation and simulation data. We begin with a dramatic journey over SC99 host city Portland and its surroundings. Later explorations accompany the X-33 aerospace plane on its first test flight, witness Mississippi River flooding, and follow global life over 22 months. New views of Mars reveal a basin that could swallow Mount Everest, while a simulation tests how rovers would navigate the red planet's terrain. We conclude with the first-ever supercomputer model producing a black hole from two merging neutron stars.

Visualization Credits

Stuart A. Snodgrass (GST): Lead Animator
Alex Kekesi (Global Science and Technology, Inc.): Animator
Randall Jones (GST): Animator
Joseph Jacob (NASA): Animator
Peggy Li (NASA): Animator
Marc Pomerantz (NASA): Animator
Lucian Plesea (NASA/JPL CalTech): Animator
David Curkendall (NASA/JPL CalTech): Animator
Terry Cole (NASA): Animator
Tony Jacob (NASA): Animator
Greg Shirah (NASA/GSFC): Animator
James Collier (NASA): Animator
Craig Miller (NASA/JPL CalTech): Animator
Richard Chen (NASA): Animator
Herb Siegel (NASA/JPL CalTech): Animator
Werner Benger (NASA): Animator
Grey Valenti: Narrator
David E. Smith (NASA/GSFC): Scientist
Mark Miller (Washington University): Scientist
Jarrett Cohen (GST): Writer
Please give credit for this item to:
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio